May is National Water Safety Month
Did you know that May is National Water Safety Month? As the warmer weather is upon us, more and more people will be looking to dive in and enjoy their swimming pools to cool off so there’s no better time to celebrate National Water Safety Month than May! From home pools and spas, to water parks and resorts, to public swimming and water recreation facilities, everyone should be enjoying the refreshing water – but being “safety aware” is the best way to celebrate and enjoy! Some Steadfast Rules to Always Follow When Enjoying Your Swimming Pool: ALWAYS Supervise Children Children should never be allowed to swim unsupervised by adults anywhere. MedlinePlus (Health Information from the National Library of Medicine) reports that drownings can happen quickly and silently in as little as 2 inches of water. The CDC reports that most accidental drownings of children ages 1 to 4 occur in residential pools and most of those victims were reported being seen within the home less than five minutes prior while in the care of at least one parent. Adults who are supervising children should remain alert, vigilant and never turn away or get distracted, not even for a moment. Do Not Swim During Thunderstorms Never swim during a thunderstorm. Exit the water immediately when you hear thunder. Lightning often strikes water and water conducts electricity. If you swim and lightning strikes, you are risking serious injury or death. Avoid Diving Headfirst Do not dive headfirst into shallow or murky water, or Read the full article...